
Ratings of the best goods and manufacturers in the category "Equipment". Selections of the best geysers, heating boilers, water heaters, voltage stabilizers, gas generators. Ratings of agricultural equipment.

15 Best Microscopes

15 Best Microscopes
29 352

The microscope is needed by jewelers, biologists, archaeologists, cell phone repairmen. That is, everyone who deals with petty work. Simple models are used in school lessons. Whatever your goals, in our ranking you will find the best microscopes for the task at hand.

10 best grain crushers

10 best grain crushers
79 028

Looking for an efficient and affordable grain crusher for a small household? has prepared a ranking of the best models on the market, adapted for domestic use. Our review includes high-quality grain crushers presented on the domestic market. When choosing applicants, the opinion of experts and customer reviews were taken into account. Consumer properties and cost of models are designed for any wallet and operating conditions.

15 Best Electricity Meters

15 Best Electricity Meters
63 896

An important role in the comfort of an apartment or a country house is played by an ordinary electricity meter, without which not a single residential or industrial facility can do. Along with reliability, high metering accuracy is required from this device, especially with two-tariff payment.Which models are popular with buyers due to their good characteristics, you will learn from our rating of the best electricity meters.

20 best metal detectors

20 best metal detectors
310 215

Thousands of gold and silver earrings, bracelets, rings and chains are lost on the beaches every year. Sand quickly covers the precious metal, so finding the loss is almost impossible. But someone builds their business on this and early in the morning begins to look for such jewelry with a metal detector. Others use similar equipment in construction or repair work to detect where pipes and cables lie. Our rating has collected the best models based on features and reviews, which will make it easier for you to choose.

15 best spray cans for self defense

15 best spray cans for self defense
308 254

A gas spray in a critical situation can save health and even life. The use of such devices to protect against aggressive people and animals is permitted by the law of the Russian Federation. We choose the best spray cans for self-defense with high efficiency and speed of impact on the source of the threat.

15 Best Air Pistols

15 Best Air Pistols
84 666

The weapon is both a hobby, and sport, and self-defense. Pneumatics meets all these criteria. It does not need a license, and lethal force is not enough to cause significant harm to the health of others. In addition, outwardly these pistols are often indistinguishable from real ones, which makes them so popular among buyers. We will consider the best models in different segments that are suitable for all occasions, from souvenir storage to protecting yourself and your loved ones.

10 Best Laser Engravers from Aliexpress

10 Best Laser Engravers from Aliexpress
142 264

The laser engraver allows you to apply inscriptions, drawings and logos on wood, metal and other surfaces. However, not every device is able to cope with creative projects of various types. In our review, we will talk about the features of Chinese engravers and introduce the best models from Aliexpress.

Top 10 Milking Machines

Top 10 Milking Machines
24 118

Obtaining milk from a cow or a goat is not an easy task, it requires not only skill, but also serious physical effort. To facilitate work in small farms and private estates, manufacturers produce milking machines of various capacities. We have compiled a ranking of the best milking machines available for purchase in Russia to make it easier for you to make a choice.

Top 10 Oil Free Air Compressors

Top 10 Oil Free Air Compressors
25 397

What parameters do buyers focus on when choosing an oil-free compressor? What are the main advantages and disadvantages of modern models available for sale in the Russian Federation? What reviews are there on popular units? You will find the answers to all these questions in our ranking of the best oil-free compressors.

10 best submersible pumps for wells from 15 to 100 meters

10 best submersible pumps for wells from 15 to 100 meters
2 615

Have you decided to drill a well and are looking for a submersible deep-sea pump? This is a difficult choice, since the price of the models is not small, and the water supply of the whole house depends on the reliability of the work. We are sure that our rating of the best submersible pumps for wells of different depths from 15 to 100 meters will help you.

Top 10 Submersible Vibratory Pumps

Top 10 Submersible Vibratory Pumps
2 438

When there is no centralized water supply in the house or in the country, but there is a well in the yard, you can simplify the water supply using a submersible pump. Vibrating models are compact, light and cheap compared to vortex centrifugal versions. Which submersible vibration pumps are the best available, you will learn from our rating.

12 best analogues of the Grundfos pump

12 best analogues of the Grundfos pump
1 515

Grundfos pumps from the Danish company of the same name are trusted by consumers and in high demand due to their durability. But these are expensive products that can not be bought everywhere in the Russian Federation. As a solution to the problem, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best analogues of Grundfos pumps, which will help you save money and choose a good model for a heating system, a well or a well.

Top 10 Hot and Cold Smoked Smokehouses

Top 10 Hot and Cold Smoked Smokehouses

It is popular among fishermen, summer residents and people who prefer to know what the delicacies they eat are prepared from. The heroes of our article are smokehouses. experts help you choose the best models - for hot and cold smoking, roomy and compact, expensive and budget. Those smokehouses that customers like for their characteristics.

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