Haier or LG - which company's washing machines are better in 2022?

1. Haier HW60-BP12929A and LG F1096SD3

The cheapest washing machines in the selection

LG F1096SD3

Best price

One of the cheapest machines in the range of the brand. It is worth choosing for those who want to get high quality at the lowest price.

2. Haier HW60-BP12959B and LG AI DD F2V5HS0W

Middle price segment - from 30 to 40 thousand rubles

Haier HW60-BP12959B

The most reliable

The automatic washing machine will work for a long time and stably thanks to full protection against leaks and a 12-year warranty on the inverter motor.

3. Haier HW80-B14979 and LG AI DD F2T9HS9S

What are cars worth 40,000–50,000 rubles capable of?


Best functionality

The manufacturer uses a unique AI DD technology: sensors determine the weight and type of material in order to select the appropriate washing mode.

4. Haier HW80-B14686 and LG AI DD F2T9GW9P

Premium quality and functionality of machines more expensive than 50,000 rubles

Haier HW80-B14686

Convenient management

This unit has well-thought-out washing programs. They are universal, suitable for almost any things and types of fabrics.
Rating member: Top 5 Haier Washing Machines

5. Haier HWD80-B14686 and LG FH4G1JCH2N

The most expensive machines with built-in drying


The most spacious

Inside the drum is placed 10.5 kg of clothes for washing and about 7 kg for drying - this is an absolute record among washing machines from the selection.

6. Comparison results

We determine the winner according to all criteria
Which company makes the best washing machines?
Total voted: 133
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Pay attention! The results of comparisons are the developments of the author of the material, are for informational purposes and should not serve as a guide to buying. For advice, you should contact the experts!

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